
Enecsys individual inverters report “Real Time” output information of what power each Solar Panel is producing currently as well as what it has produced in the last week, month & year. If there are any performance problems this system will show it up imediately where regular systems with the stinged inverter cannot. The photos to follow are of a 8KW system intalled in Adelaide with 16 panels?being installed on a tilt system facing North & 15 panels being installed flat facing East. This system was installed on the 27th of June 2012. These readings were captured in June/July 2012. ( remembering its mid winter )

The photo below shows?the?current power?producing 4.62 kwh?( complete 8KW system of 31 solar panels ) as well as the power produced so far for today 7:30am – 11:30am of 9.1 kwh ( Tilt North produced 4.8 kwh & East produced 4.3 kwh )

The photo below shows current power?producing 606W as well as the power produced for the first 9 days of July of 122.1 kwh ( Tilt North produced 74.5kwh & East produced 47.7 kwh )

The photo below shows current power producing 186W as well as the Tilt North 16 panels showing that they have produced 22.1 kwh for the first 3 days of July. The Right side of the page also shows what each individual Solar Panel has produced 1.3 – 1.5 kwh – this is the only way to check to see if all your panels are performing properly. The standard systems sold using the stringed inverter wont show you any of this information & you could have a panel/s not working at all and you would never know.?Our systems using the?Enecsys individual inverters for each Solar Panels are the only way to know this detailed information & which Solar Panel is actually producing what amout of electricity.

The photo below shows current power producing 252W as well as the power produced?so far this year June & July?of?116.8 kwh ( Tilt North produced 73.0 kwh & East produced 43.9 kwh ) – This system was installed on the 27th of June 2012.

The photo below shows current power producing 616W as well as showing the power produced from 27th June 2012 to 10th July 2012 of 203 kwh. It also shows you the best hour with 17.4 kwh , the best day with 31.7 kwh and the best month with 122 kwh of electricity being produced.

If you would like to look for yourself, try our demonstration below:

Monitoring Demonstration


Username: Enecsys.demo

Password: demonstration1